Typography – Akhlad http://a5lad.com Akhlad Mon, 02 Jul 2018 14:47:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.15 Multiple Page Post http://a5lad.com/?p=5383 http://a5lad.com/?p=5383#respond Mon, 02 Jul 2018 14:47:31 +0000 http://catchbiz.com/?p=5383 Continue readingMultiple Page Post

The only sign of commercial activity within the harbour, visible from the beach of the Great Isabel, is the square blunt end of the wooden jetty which the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (the O.S.N. of familiar speech) had thrown over the shallow part of the bay soon after they had resolved to make of Sulaco one of their ports of call for the Republic of Costaguana. The State possesses several harbours on its long seaboard, but except Cayta, an important place, all are either small and inconvenient inlets in an iron-bound coast—like Esmeralda, for instance, sixty miles to the south—or else mere open roadsteads exposed to the winds and fretted by the surf.

Perhaps the very atmospheric conditions which had kept away the merchant fleets of bygone ages induced the O.S.N. Company to violate the sanctuary of peace sheltering the calm existence of Sulaco. The variable airs sporting lightly with the vast semicircle of waters within the head of Azuera could not baffle the steam power of their excellent fleet. Year after year the black hulls of their ships had gone up and down the coast, in and out, past Azuera, past the Isabels, past Punta Mala—disregarding everything but the tyranny of time. Their names, the names of all mythology, became the household words of a coast that had never been ruled by the gods of Olympus. The Juno was known only for her comfortable cabins amidships, the Saturn for the geniality of her captain and the painted and gilt luxuriousness of her saloon, whereas the Ganymede was fitted out mainly for cattle transport, and to be avoided by coastwise passengers. The humblest Indian in the obscurest village on the coast was familiar with the Cerberus, a little black puffer without charm or living accommodation to speak of, whose mission was to creep inshore along the wooded beaches close to mighty ugly rocks, stopping obligingly before every cluster of huts to collect produce, down to three-pound parcels of indiarubber bound in a wrapper of dry grass.

And as they seldom failed to account for the smallest package, rarely lost a bullock, and had never drowned a single passenger, the name of the O.S.N. stood very high for trustworthiness. People declared that under the Company’s care their lives and property were safer on the water than in their own houses on shore.

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Typesetting & Design http://a5lad.com/?p=1776 http://a5lad.com/?p=1776#respond Mon, 02 Jul 2018 01:12:33 +0000 http://codeln.com/?p=1776 Continue readingTypesetting & Design

Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. Familiarity gives us a feeling of comfort and reassurance.

When we see a face, we are automatically triggered to feel something or to empathize with that person. If we recognize content on a website — such as a problem, dilemma, habit or whatever else — we feel connected and understood.

Since we know ourselves so well, we unconsciously try to relate everything we see to ourselves. Obviously, we do that with other human faces, but also with when there are no human features involved. Only the recognition of our body’s proportions in a design is enough for us to perceive the design as being familiar and harmonic.

This is the reasoning behind headless mannequins. We subconsciously take what is on display and substitute ourselves for the mannequin due to the lack of ‘human’ in the image.
So faces add a human touch to your website – they help you trigger your emotions, which make them a powerful design element. Here are 10 effects human faces can have on your visitors.

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Lighthouse http://a5lad.com/?p=5532 http://a5lad.com/?p=5532#respond Sun, 22 Jan 2017 16:02:51 +0000 http://catchthemes.com/demo/high-responsive/?p=5532 Continue readingLighthouse

A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses, and to serve as a navigational aid for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways.

Lighthouses mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals, reefs, and safe entries to harbors, and can assist in aerial navigation. Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and use of electronic navigational systems.

Cupcake jelly-o topping. Brownie chupa chups croissant carrot cake cake chocolate danish icing. Candy canes croissant sweet sweet roll pastry cookie gingerbread ice cream. Oat cake lemon drops gummi bears. Gingerbread candy canes bear claw apple pie ice cream. Topping oat cake sugar plum jujubes biscuit carrot cake brownie gummies biscuit. Cupcake oat cake apple pie icing wafer biscuit. Carrot cake macaroon jelly ice cream pastry cotton candy wafer cotton candy liquorice. Chocolate chupa chups marshmallow lollipop muffin. Apple pie sugar plum tootsie roll brownie fruitcake. Cake donut gummies liquorice chocolate. Chupa chups macaroon bear claw soufflé jelly-o topping lollipop chocolate bar bonbon.

Oat cake cotton candy gingerbread pudding chupa chups cupcake halvah. Pastry chupa chups cotton candy lollipop. Marzipan bear claw tootsie roll soufflé pastry. Carrot cake croissant topping gingerbread ice cream sugar plum brownie halvah sesame snaps. Carrot cake candy canes toffee dragée carrot cake oat cake sweet brownie halvah. Cotton candy sugar plum liquorice. Bonbon marshmallow macaroon cake oat cake cake tiramisu chocolate cake. Marshmallow dessert dessert caramels. Danish bear claw pie halvah marzipan pastry lemon drops dessert topping. Donut candy pastry tart jelly muffin bonbon marshmallow gummi bears. Liquorice lemon drops danish jujubes. Topping oat cake sesame snaps. Muffin cake candy bear claw. Marshmallow jelly-o tart jelly-o bear claw.

Fruitcake gummi bears powder fruitcake. Chupa chups candy tart cotton candy. Cupcake pie ice cream pie. Tootsie roll chupa chups sweet roll. Carrot cake cookie pudding. Pastry ice cream cotton candy sweet roll gummi bears. Cookie dragée cupcake halvah. Bonbon jujubes apple pie liquorice bonbon lemon drops. Caramels gummi bears chocolate carrot cake icing candy soufflé. Fruitcake liquorice powder pie sesame snaps. Chocolate lollipop croissant jelly beans fruitcake. Oat cake dessert dragée. Marshmallow powder soufflé. Jelly beans bear claw toffee marshmallow cheesecake brownie pastry sugar plum icing.

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Home Office http://a5lad.com/?p=5536 http://a5lad.com/?p=5536#respond Fri, 20 Jan 2017 16:14:23 +0000 http://catchthemes.com/demo/high-responsive/?p=5536 Continue readingHome Office

Small office/home office (or single office/home office; SOHO) refers to the category of business or cottage industry that involves from 1 to 10 workers. In New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) defines a small office as 6 to 19 employees and a micro office as 1-5.

Pie dragée icing muffin caramels. Carrot cake gummies fruitcake chocolate cake. Brownie croissant pastry sesame snaps jelly beans danish topping. Marzipan marzipan candy. Ice cream tart chupa chups. Chocolate topping wafer chupa chups cake toffee pastry. Gummi bears biscuit macaroon chupa chups croissant lemon drops wafer. Tootsie roll pudding fruitcake tiramisu. Chocolate cake chupa chups jelly pudding biscuit croissant wafer biscuit. Topping jelly-o lollipop chocolate cake sweet roll. Chupa chups lemon drops liquorice cake apple pie marshmallow ice cream. Tart cotton candy candy canes macaroon sesame snaps tart jelly-o.

Gummies topping chocolate bonbon apple pie oat cake. Powder bear claw candy canes toffee jelly-o marshmallow pie halvah. Wafer carrot cake donut. Gingerbread pastry chocolate bar pudding. Fruitcake icing cake icing sweet gummi bears pudding marzipan gummi bears. Biscuit cake bonbon jelly chupa chups pie. Marzipan toffee powder sesame snaps chocolate fruitcake bonbon. Carrot cake cake liquorice. Jelly tootsie roll toffee lollipop jelly cotton candy cookie pie cotton candy. Sesame snaps bear claw candy canes croissant danish carrot cake cupcake. Pie candy dessert icing lollipop soufflé marzipan. Candy canes marshmallow cupcake candy canes apple pie lollipop donut.

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More Tag Example http://a5lad.com/?p=5376 http://a5lad.com/?p=5376#respond Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:35:02 +0000 http://catchbiz.com/?p=5376 Continue readingMore Tag Example

It might have been said that there he was only protecting his own. From the first he had been admitted to live in the intimacy of the family of the hotel-keeper who was a countryman of his. Old Giorgio Viola, a Genoese with a shaggy white leonine head—often called simply “the Garibaldino” (as Mohammedans are called after their prophet)—was, to use Captain Mitchell’s own words, the “respectable married friend” by whose advice Nostromo had left his ship to try for a run of shore luck in Costaguana.
The old man, full of scorn for the populace, as your austere republican so often is, had disregarded the preliminary sounds of trouble. He went on that day as usual pottering about the “casa” in his slippers, muttering angrily to himself his contempt of the non-political nature of the riot, and shrugging his shoulders. In the end he was taken unawares by the out-rush of the rabble. It was too late then to remove his family, and, indeed, where could he have run to with the portly Signora Teresa and two little girls on that great plain? So, barricading every opening, the old man sat down sternly in the middle of the darkened cafe with an old shot-gun on his knees. His wife sat on another chair by his side, muttering pious invocations to all the saints of the calendar.

The old republican did not believe in saints, or in prayers, or in what he called “priest’s religion.” Liberty and Garibaldi were his divinities; but he tolerated “superstition” in women, preserving in these matters a lofty and silent attitude.

His two girls, the eldest fourteen, and the other two years younger, crouched on the sanded floor, on each side of the Signora Teresa, with their heads on their mother’s lap, both scared, but each in her own way, the dark-haired Linda indignant and angry, the fair Giselle, the younger, bewildered and resigned. The Patrona removed her arms, which embraced her daughters, for a moment to cross herself and wring her hands hurriedly. She moaned a little louder.

“Oh! Gian’ Battista, why art thou not here? Oh! why art thou not here?”

She was not then invoking the saint himself, but calling upon Nostromo, whose patron he was. And Giorgio, motionless on the chair by her side, would be provoked by these reproachful and distracted appeals.

“Peace, woman! Where’s the sense of it? There’s his duty,” he murmured in the dark; and she would retort, panting—

“Eh! I have no patience. Duty! What of the woman who has been like a mother to him? I bent my knee to him this morning; don’t you go out, Gian’ Battista—stop in the house, Battistino—look at those two little innocent children!”

Mrs. Viola was an Italian, too, a native of Spezzia, and though considerably younger than her husband, already middle-aged. She had a handsome face, whose complexion had turned yellow because the climate of Sulaco did not suit her at all. Her voice was a rich contralto. When, with her arms folded tight under her ample bosom, she scolded the squat, thick-legged China girls handling linen, plucking fowls, pounding corn in wooden mortars amongst the mud outbuildings at the back of the house, she could bring out such an impassioned, vibrating, sepulchral note that the chained watch-dog bolted into his kennel with a great rattle. Luis, a cinnamon-coloured mulatto with a sprouting moustache and thick, dark lips, would stop sweeping the cafe with a broom of palm-leaves to let a gentle shudder run down his spine. His languishing almond eyes would remain closed for a long time.

This was the staff of the Casa Viola, but all these people had fled early that morning at the first sounds of the riot, preferring to hide on the plain rather than trust themselves in the house; a preference for which they were in no way to blame, since, whether true or not, it was generally believed in the town that the Garibaldino had some money buried under the clay floor of the kitchen. The dog, an irritable, shaggy brute, barked violently and whined plaintively in turns at the back, running in and out of his kennel as rage or fear prompted him.

Bursts of great shouting rose and died away, like wild gusts of wind on the plain round the barricaded house; the fitful popping of shots grew louder above the yelling. Sometimes there were intervals of unaccountable stillness outside, and nothing could have been more gaily peaceful than the narrow bright lines of sunlight from the cracks in the shutters, ruled straight across the cafe over the disarranged chairs and tables to the wall opposite. Old Giorgio had chosen that bare, whitewashed room for a retreat. It had only one window, and its only door swung out upon the track of thick dust fenced by aloe hedges between the harbour and the town, where clumsy carts used to creak along behind slow yokes of oxen guided by boys on horseback.

In a pause of stillness Giorgio cocked his gun. The ominous sound wrung a low moan from the rigid figure of the woman sitting by his side. A sudden outbreak of defiant yelling quite near the house sank all at once to a confused murmur of growls.

Somebody ran along; the loud catching of his breath was heard for an instant passing the door; there were hoarse mutters and footsteps near the wall; a shoulder rubbed against the shutter, effacing the bright lines of sunshine pencilled across the whole breadth of the room. Signora Teresa’s arms thrown about the kneeling forms of her daughters embraced them closer with a convulsive pressure.

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Antidisestablishmentarianism http://a5lad.com/?p=5398 http://a5lad.com/?p=5398#respond Sun, 01 Jan 2017 16:09:50 +0000 http://catchbiz.com/?p=5398 Continue readingAntidisestablishmentarianism


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